As organizations and companies adapt to the pandemic’s ever changing circumstances, leaders are forced to increasingly grow their businesses, communicate with clients and manage work flows virtually. Their leadership skills of connection, accountability, and communication have never been more vital as all of us embrace virtual workspaces.
While some managers may find it hard to be actively involved with their teams remotely, it is crucial to be responsive and accessible in real time. This trait speaks volumes of managers’ commitment to their employees, making their teams respond similarly.
By enhancing connection and communication through these simple steps, managers can improve their leadership skills in today’s virtual offices.
• Empower Staff and Trust Them
Empowered employees who are entrusted to complete their tasks with the necessary autonomy and resources have shown increased job satisfaction and organizational commitment. These resources include tools for employees so they can make quality decisions concerning their work. With defined goals, leaders should encourage their employees’ creativity to tackle various problems. Managers can further demonstrate trust by allowing their teams the freedom to accomplish tasks in their own particular way after clearly delineating their responsibilities. This builds confidence, helping them produce their best work.
• Know the Staff Personally
On Zoom, we do not have the input of body language or small talk at the water cooler to know someone’s back story. It is also more difficult to discern the barriers that can hinder an employee’s work. However, by understanding different employees’ personalities and their strengths and weaknesses, managers can target approaches that help each person according to their temperament and capabilities.
Schedule One-on-One Meetings
It is crucial to schedule one-on-one meetings with employees to stop any potential problems. Be clear on the purpose of the meeting but build time as well for an informal chat to learn more about how they view potential issues. Be fully present and connect with employees so that they can see their manager as accessible and a problem solver.
• Be Available
In these uncertain times when many employees have experienced severe illness or a family death, it is crucial that they know their managers are easily accessible. By making their schedules available to address various issues, managers can consistently strengthen communication and build trust within their teams.
• Respond to Communication
Even though email traffic can be exhausting, rapid responses to employees should remain a priority. It ensures communication flow and attention to a company’s biggest asset – their workers. If an employee has taken the time to write an email about a problem, management should show their respect by answering promptly. Some of the worst public relations fiascos could have been avoided with timely, respectful responses. By being attentive, connected and available, managers can demonstrate to their teams that they are his/her top priority in these virtual workspaces.