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Being able to concentrate is vital to being productive and efficient in your work. Creating the ideal conditions for deep concentration will help you complete your tasks and assist you in constructing a work-life balance. If you’re interested in improving your concentration in everyday life, consider utilizing some of these tips.

Practicing brain training activities

Certain games require maximum concentration to be able to win and playing such games frequently increases the brain’s ability to concentrate over time. The most popular brain-training games include chess, memory games, crossword puzzles, word searches, Sudoku, and jigsaw puzzles. Dedicating a few minutes every day will help improve concentration, boost short-term memory, and enhance problem-solving skills.

Playing video games

A recent study showed that playing video games boosts the players’ visual selective attention, which helps them ignore distractions and concentrate more. The impact of playing continuously goes beyond the game’s duration, and the results are seen even when doing other activities. Video games affect the brain’s cognitive function, improving focus and attention.

Getting better sleep

The importance of getting enough sleep cannot be over-emphasized. Lack of sleep can negatively impact both short and long-term memory, attention span and concentration. Without quality sleep, a person can easily become moody and quick-tempered. Sleep deprivation has been implicated in lower immunity, increased blood pressure and higher risk for diabetes and depression. Most adults with busy schedules and families don’t get adequate sleep.  But for optimal functioning, seven hours of sleep is necessary.

Regular exercise and clean balanced diets

Health experts recommend exercise for good brain health. Even if that is only taking a walk, a quick jog or cleaning house. Keeping the body active is paramount for a healthier brain and improved concentration. Eating healthy foods such as eggs, blueberries, spinach, and fatty fish also improve concentration. Some research suggests that people who eat fish regularly tend to have more gray matter in their brains. Gray matter contains most of the nerve cells that control decision making, memory, and emotion.

Taking breaks, listening to music, and meditating

Taking occasional breaks can help you complete stressful tasks more efficiently. It refreshes the brain and improves its functioning so that when you return from your break energized, you can tackle your work easily. Music is also a good therapy that relaxes the mind and improves focus. You may also want to try meditation to improve your concentration.